Higher Education

Supporting the Digital Transformation of Universities
Digital transformation has made its way into all sectors, supported and accelerated by the advent of new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence. Among these, the Education market has also entered a phase of change in recent years, with an increased demand for digitization and innovation.
The digital maturity of universities today influences their reputation, the attraction of new students, and the retention of existing ones.
In this scenario, the EDU Competence Center of Beta 80 constantly analyzes the environment in which universities operate, evaluating industry and technological trends and relating them to the demand for digitization and innovation from both public and private Italian universities, without neglecting the students' perspective.
Market research, surveys, seminars, and daily experience with some of the most important Italian and international universities allow us to deeply understand the market and propose solutions that meet the needs of universities, whether traditional or online, as well as those of Higher Education Institutes and continuous learning.

From market analysis to field experience
For over 12 years, Beta 80 has been collaborating with important universities to implement digital solutions aimed at improving the Student Experience and optimizing the management of educational and administrative activities.
The experience gained in the field is combined with an in-depth study of reality and an integrated approach, from which innovative solutions are born, responding to the specific needs of the Higher Education sector.
The IT needs of modern universities
Beta 80 is able to meet a wide range of IT needs of modern universities, thanks to its ability to develop specific applications for the market and support universities in the digitization and automation of processes.
Beta 80:
- is able to provide universities with platforms and modules for optimizing student management, from the selection phase to the completion of the study path;
- takes care of the governance, security, efficient management, and adaptation of all IT services, ensuring a solid and secure infrastructure;
- supports universities in the analysis and governance of data, providing advanced tools for information management and facilitating data-driven decisions;
- supports universities in the integration and optimization of various applications, ensuring a harmonious and well-functioning IT ecosystem;
- guarantees the safety and security of campuses, implementing solutions for the safety of students and staff, optimal control of assets (buildings, plants, etc.), and incident management.

Specifically, four areas of expertise can be distinguished, made available to Italian universities to support them in Digital Transformation:
Dedicated Software Factory. Beta 80 is able to meet all the design, development, evolution, and integration needs of university application platforms, both through custom developments and through the implementation of semi-finished products already developed for this market.
ICT Ecosystem Governance. Governing Digital Transformation, ensuring the availability and performance of systems and services, and safeguarding security in all its aspects should be the basis of the strategy of any organization or company. Beta 80 offers consulting and services aimed at ensuring effective Digital Ecosystem Governance, to improve the service provided to all stakeholders, reduce residual risk, and contain costs.
Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence. The potential of AI in the Education field is diverse and not only concerns the educational aspect but also Research, Administration, student support, and data analysis. In this context, Beta 80 makes its Competence Centers available to ensure better data quality, optimize decision-making processes, increase operational efficiency, and foster innovation.
Safety & Security. Ensuring the physical safety of people and property within campuses is a shared responsibility of all universities in the territory. Beta 80 is able to support universities in managing more or less serious events, thanks to its thirty years of experience in managing 112 and 118 Operations Centers and a proprietary platform, Control 1st, dedicated to this field and capable of integrating all the main technologies in the sector.
Accessibility and Inclusion