An educational offer that combines technology and humanities
ITS are non-university tertiary education institutions that train specialized talents with high technical and technological skills. These high-tech institutions allow students to obtain a higher technical diploma specialized in applied technologies (Level V EQF). Their educational activities are designed on the professional profiles defined by the MIUR. These professional profiles are based on six areas identified as priorities for the country’s economic development and competitiveness. Each ITS can tailor its training programs at the local level, taking into account the needs of companies and different technological contexts. ITS courses last two years and alternate between theoretical, practical, laboratory activities, and internship training.
The key to the success of these training programs lies in the strong connection between the local area and businesses.
In addition to our established partnerships with Tech Talent Factory, ICT Campus, and ITS Biotecnologie Piemonte, we are adding two new names: SIAM 1838 and Angelo Rizzoli ITS (ITSAR). These are two historical institutes in Milan that, thanks to their exchange with companies, design ICT courses geared towards new technologies.
Beta 80’s commitment to the various institutes is shaped by the availability and needs of each of them. Generally, we collaborate in four ways: